Speeding continues to be the number one problem in Longmont, and that's prompting action by the Colorado city.
As the court cases move through the courts, the plaintiffs want the illegal fees returned, making the financial liability a ...
Red light cameras in Oahu, Hawaii will begin flagging speeders starting March 1, expanding their role beyond catching drivers ...
The Representative Town Meeting passed an ordinance Monday allowing the town to ticket drivers who are caught on camera ...
The courts ruled last year that the fees tacked onto fines for running red lights were illegal. The red-light camera programs ...
While state Automated Red Light Enforcement  grant projects can be worthwhile, no municipality should accept the money since it came from red-light ...
Speed cameras have been credited with reducing crashes on Roosevelt Boulevard. But a federal lawsuit raises concerns about ...
Longmont will roll out an automated vehicle identification system on or after March 16 that features six cameras for ...
McMahill's remarks came at an annual update about the police department that covered crime statistics and officer well-being.
The plan to bring red light cameras to the City of Pittsburgh was ready to roll, but has hit an unlikely roadblock.
Hundreds of people are running red lights every week in Manteca, but now cameras are being used to try and put a stop to it.
Enter the Manfrotto Pro Light Reloader Tough H-55 which attempts to do everything its long name suggests. It has the design ...