In a groundbreaking medical achievement in the UK, a 32-year-old woman from Manchester has undergone the country's first ...
Liver cells attempt to shut down as a defense mechanism against cancer, but this strategy is not particularly effective.
Immunotherapy, a form of treatment that uses the body’s immune system to find and fight cancer cells, can delay the progression of liver cancer in those patients who cannot be treated with surgery, ...
The advent of immunotherapy based on immune checkpoint inhibitors has improved the treatment of advanced hepatocellular ...
A UC San Diego study links fatty liver disease, exacerbated by diets high in fat and sugar, to increased liver cancer risk.
Doctors may change how they treat liver cancer after drugs from AstraZeneca Plc and Merck & Co. helped some patients, marking ...
While low-to-moderate alcohol use isn't always harmful, heavy drinking can trigger inflammation and worsen symptoms of ...
A major scientific review of 3,000 studies conducted by researchers from California may have found what is driving the ...
ESPN NFL insider Adam Schefter announced that his family's beloved dog Benny passed away in his sleep after battling cancer.
ESPN NFL insider Adam Schefter doesn't post much about his personal life outside of work, but had some tragic news to share ...
ESPN's Adam Schefter has commemorated the loss of one of his dogs, 15-year-old labradoodle Benny, who died on Wednesday ...
A Yorkshire hospital trust is leading the nation in giving patients access to pioneering treatments that could transform care ...