But the Naira depreciated to N1,504 per dollar in the Nigerian Foreign Exchange Market (NFEM). Data published by the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, showed that the indicative exchange rate for the ...
Liputan6.com, Jakarta Proses balik nama sertifikat rumah merupakan langkah penting yang harus dilakukan setelah terjadinya peralihan kepemilikan properti, baik melalui jual beli, hibah, maupun warisan ...
The Naira has continued its appreciation streak against the dollar at the parallel foreign exchange market. This comes as the Naira strengthened to N1,500 against the dollar in the black market on ...
KOMPAS.com - Cara mengurus sertifikat tanah melalui Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) pada tahun 2025 perlu diketahui masyarakat. Hal itu khususnya bagi masyarakat yang tanahnya belum ...
Currency traders exchanged the naira at an average rate of N1,515 on Wednesday, up from N1,520/$ on Monday, representing a gain of N5 within a single day. The changing dynamics in Nigeria’s foreign ...
Founders Fund backed Layer 1 blockchain N1 has confirmed the commitment of its original investors as it prepares for its forthcoming mainnet launch. VCs and angel investors including Multicoin ...
Kedatangan mereka untuk mengadu tentang lamanya proses penerbitan sertifikat tanah dalam program Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL). Apalagi, biaya yang dikeluarkan warga cukup besar. Tokoh ...
Apabila merujuk jenis layanan penggantian sertifikat karena blanko lama, biaya yang harus dibayarkan pemohon yaitu Rp 50.000 per sertifikat hak atas tanah. Simak breaking news dan berita pilihan kami ...
THE Naira yesterday appreciated to N1,555 per dollar in the parallel market from N1,570 per dollar last week Friday. But the Naira depreciated to N1,512 per dollar in the Nigerian Foreign Exchange ...
The Sokoto State government has rolled out a N1 billion subsidized foodstuff initiative to provide affordable commodities for civil servants and low-income earners across six local government areas.
PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan Pertanahan Nasional (ATR/BPN) menghadirkan inovasi baru dalam pencetakan sertifikat tanah elektronik dengan mesin anjungan pencetakan ...
Sertifikat tanah sangat penting untuk memastikan pemilik tanah mempunyai kekuatan hukum atas tanahnya. Tak hanya berupa fisik atau cetak, sekarang sudah mulai ada sertifikat elektronik, lho.