The UK government will raise the reporting threshold at which people have to self-declare earnings for income tax, a move it ...
HMRC to launch new escalation service for agents handling Self-Assessment and PAYE queries more than four weeks old.
Under the Triple Lock policy, the New and Basic State Pensions increase each year in-line with whichever is the highest ...
More baby boomers are paying income tax than Gen-Z workers, in a significant shift since the pandemic. Over 5.4 million ...
There were 5.1 million higher-rate taxpayers in the UK for the 2022-23 tax year, up by 15.3% compared with the 2021-22 tax ...
On 6 April we start a new tax year, which means you have about a month to make the most of 2024-25 allowances.
Some people have been driven to the brink of bankruptcy by large unexpected tax bills. It's also been linked to 10 suicides.
Latest HMRC figures show there were 5.1 million people paying the higher 40% rate of tax in 2022/23 tax year - up by 680,000, ...
The New State Pension will be uprated by 4.1 per cent in April, however, the personal tax threshold has been frozen until ...
A Bollywood actor wins a major tax case on Foreign Tax Credit (FTC). Learn how FTC works, key legal takeaways, and how to ...
More than 3,400 people have signed a new online petition calling for State Pension payments to be disregarded as income for ...
The key change is the increase of the Income Tax Self Assessment (ITSA) reporting threshold for trading income from £1,000 to ...