BC Hydro has begun work to enable seismic upgrades at Ladore Dam, near Campbell River, marking what the company calls a ...
He said U.S. tariffs on Canadian goods are bad for all industries in B.C. that depend on selling into the American market.
B.C.’s economic indicators continue to hold up surprisingly well, and the government aims to keep it that way.
The Columbia River Treaty, the framework for hydropower generation and flood control between the two countries, had been left ...
Despite being the most sparsely populated region of British Columbia, the Northeast is an energy powerhouse. The region’s ...
Last winter, during a cold snap, which is often accompanied by a high-pressure system that becalms the wind, Alberta’s wind ...
The treaty compensates Canada for storing water and British Columbia through ... a half-share of hydropower benefits generated in the U.S. from the presence of Canadian dams.
British Columbia Energy Minister Adrian ... he says, forcing B.C. Hydro to hold water back in its dams to ensure there's enough electricity during times of peak demand. Site C is expected to ...
since it’s British Columbia that has been relying on imported power from the USA – it’s not the other way around.” The latest figures show BC Hydro imported approximately 20% of its ...
British Columbia Energy Minister Adrian Dix says the looming threat of American tariffs raises the stakes for boosting the province's energy independence.