Dear Annie: Like “Independent and Irritated,” I am single in my 60s. I’ve had my share of relationships, and as I got older, ...
He treats me well. My children adore him. My ONLY hang-up is that because he hasn’t dated for more than 20 years, he isn’t ...
I lost my husband in the middle of last summer. He had a long illness with strokes and Alzheimer’s, and he was horrible to me ...
A lively discussion about the Trump administration demanding oversight of courses at Columbia University culminated in two ...
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips.
DEAR ABBY: I am a widow with two living children (one son died of COVID in 2021). My daughter wants me to go on a cruise with ...
DEAR FRAZZLED: A wife and mother whose behavior and general cleanliness have worsened to the point that she leaves her chewed ...
I am a widow with two living children (one son died of COVID in 2021). My daughter wants me to go on a cruise with her next ...
I am married with two children, 6 and 4. I love them and my wife. When I met her, I knew she was a little messy. I am neat, tidy and generally organized. Over time, her behavior (specifically, ...
I am married with two children, 6 and 4. I love them and my wife. When I met her, I knew she was a little messy. I am neat, ...
DEAR ABBY: While doing some house cleaning, I came across a column of yours that I had clipped and tucked away. On one of the pages I had dog-eared was the poem, “Decide to Forgive.” I was struck by ...
DEAR ABBY: I returned from an errand this morning, and my husband was across the street from our house wearing only a robe, naked underneath and talking to the wife of our neighbor. I’m fuming because ...