Correspondence to Professor Keith Porter, Department of Anaesthesia, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen B15 2WB, UK; keith.porter{at} If you wish to reuse ...
Objective Pain is one of the six general discriminators of the Manchester triage system (MTS). The frequency of pain assessments conducted at triage with the MTS, and patient, nurse and triage ...
Objectives & Background Fascia iliaca compartment block (FICB) provides excellent pain relief for neck of femur fractures (NOFF). It can be given safely using an ultrasound guided technique in the ...
Background Older people who fall have been a priority area for the NHS since the publication of the National Service Framework for Older People. Evidence suggests falls prevention can reduce further ...
Study objective There is no consensus on the management of low back pain in the ED and evidence suggests that these patients are likely to receive unwarranted imaging and inappropriate opioid ...
1 Department of Respiratory Medicine, Royal Hospital for Children, Bristol, UK 2 Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery, Royal Hospital for Children, Bristol Correspondence to: Dr T Hilliard, ...
Correspondence to: Professor Kelly, Department of Emergency Medicine, Western Hospital, Private Bag, Footscray, Vic 3011, Australia (Anne-Maree.Kelly{at} Objective—To determine whether ...
Emergency physicians in the UK will be scanning more patients with head injury and should have easier access to CT The current discussion about the NICE head injury guidelines illustrates both the ...
Objective—To compare functional outcome in patients with acute grade 1 or 2 (mild to moderate) lateral ankle sprains randomised to treatment with or without a double tubigrip bandage (DTG).
2 School of Exercise, Biomedical and Health Science, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia Correspondence to: Dr M Ziman School of Exercise, Biomedical and Health Science, Edith Cowan University, ...
Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the United Kingdom. Airbags drastically reduce both morbidity and mortality from crashes, but with the increased use of airbags ...