Julia Louis-Dreyfus joins environmental groups demanding action by state agencies to stop Sable Offshore drilling ...
Renowned actresses Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Jane Fonda joined forces with hundreds of concerned citizens and environmentalists ...
Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus was among a group of environmentalists, elected officials, and community activists demanding state agencies do more to protect the coast.
An impassioned Julia Louis-Dreyfus took to the stage at the Environmental Defense Center Thursday to express her anger with what she ...
Jason Sudeikis shared a story about scoring on Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James when they were doing a rehearsal for ...
If Julia Louis-Dreyfus had gotten the opportunity of a lifetime, she would have missed out on the Seinfeld role that made her ...
In “Funny Because It’s True,” Christine Wenc offers an idiosyncratic history of The Onion, the publication that made the ...
A town hall organized to inform Santa Barbara County residents about the future of Sable Offshore Corp. drew an energized crowd of supporters, protestors ...
A "Please Silence Your Phones" PSA featuring new footage from Thunderbolts* is currently playing in theaters and filmmaker ...
John O'Hurley and Patrick Warburton, known for their roles on "Seinfeld," will perform stand-up comedy and participate in a Q ...