UbiSoft has recently delivered Star Wars Outlaws to fans and more games are coming in the future, including Quantic Dream's Star Wars Eclipse and the third Star Wars Jedi game from Respawn ...
Pet travel safety brand Tavo is to be an official sponsor of the Crufts dog show next month. Considered to be the world’s most prestigious dog show, Crufts is expected to welcome more than 20,000 dogs ...
Holotactics is a holographic battle simulator minigame in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Players must face off against eight opponents, including Turgle, Greez, Caij, and Tulli. Each match is turn ...
PlayStation Plus subscribers can swing a lightsaber, use the Force and fight the tyrannical Galactic Empire as a Jedi knight now in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Here are the games PlayStation Plus ...
Star Wars collectors looking to add to their Revan shrine will soon have a new option, as Diamond Select Toys reveals the Star Wars: The Old Republic Jedi Revan Gallery PVC Statue. This piece is ...
It is a good idea to leave them unpruned over winter: they provide food and shelter for wildlife and can look attractive even in decay, particularly when sprinkled with frost on cold mornings ...
With a huge lead in the final vote, it's the song Tavo Akys that Lithuania has claimed as its winner, performed by the band Katarsis. 12 songs competed in the final of EUROVIZIJA.LT. After all of them ...