Written by legendary author Tom King, with art by Guillem March, both Batman alumns, mind you, Wonder Woman #20 is bringing ...
In Francis Spufford’s new novel, “Cahokia Jazz,” a detective must solve the mystery of a staged killing before its repercussions destroy his city’s social and political order.
Emmy-nominated series that follows a young female detective and her three mystery-writing aunts who believe their knowledge of crime fiction makes them perfectly qualified to help her solve ...
New accounts of working in a man’s world — and that world’s comeuppance — are long on boldface names and even longer on personality. By Joshua David Stein What started as a scholarly ...
After two years, The Last of Us season 2 is about to arrive on our screens. The first season made the beloved video game into an even bigger worldwide phenomenon, and now one of the best shows on ...
Since 1984, a kitschy plaster bust of the King had sat in the window of 54 Great Jones. A few years ago, bandits made off with it. The tussle over its return stirred up an old New York question ...
A collection of Batman films based upon Batman the Animated Series.
Clip • 1 Hr 20 Mins • 19 APR 20 • Mystery Train with John Kelly ...
The best mystery books are the ones that keep you guessing until the very end. These suspenseful stories will keep all age groups turning the page, on the hunt for the next clue. From classic kid ...
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Scientists dive into the genomes of whales, elephants, and other animal giants looking for new weapons in the fight against cancer.