Farris Rookstool highlighted newly confirmed details about Oswald's movements and disputes within U.S. intelligence agencies.
No amount of government paperwork will give you the answers you seek or heal a 62 year old festering psychic wound.
So far, nothing in the documents has changed the long-held findings that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating ...
The Trump administration has released 80,000 pages of government files on the Kennedy assassination. Here's what we know so ...
The JFK files released by President Donald Trump include additional information on Kennedy's killer, Lee Harvey Oswald.
The National Archives on Tuesday released thousands of pages of declassified records related to the assassination of ...
Details regarding Anatoliy Golitsyn have been unredacted in the latest release of files about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
The release of as many as 80,000 pages of classified files comes after decades of smaller releases of redacted files.
Nearly two months after Trump's executive order, over 2,000 classified files regarding JFK's assassination were released to ...