In today's Dear Annie column, Annie Lane hears from a reader whose longtime girlfriend just started falling asleep out of the ...
I moved into my bungalow six months ago. My new neighbor, we’ll call him “Jeremy,” who I share a very thin party wall with, ...
I’m finding myself caught in the middle of life’s constant changes, and it feels like no one else is immune to this struggle.
"It was humiliating, almost as if she were on something. I looked into it—no medical issues, no substance use. It only seemed ...
I was never physically violent, but I said very mean things during panic attacks because of the anxiety I was feeling.
Dear Annie: I have noticed things missing in my house. After visiting my daughter’s house, I have noticed some of these ...
DEAR ANNIE: I have noticed things missing in my house. After visiting my daughter’s house, I have noticed some of these ...
It saddens me to see so many people who don't enjoy their jobs. I was fortunate; I spent 42 years as a teacher, and while my ...
I’ve known my friend “Ella” for more than 50 years. In the last few years, for whatever reason, she only wants to communicate ...
"Three years ago, my older brother received a $60,000 settlement, and I believe it changed his perspective on family and our ...
I've been with my girlfriend for 15 years. The first few years were wonderful — no complaints. We worked together and spent a ...