Smart lights are becoming a popular choice for homeowners and businesses looking to improve their lighting solutions.
Energy efficiency standards for household appliances and even smaller items like light bulbs have been around for decades. But critics say they’ve gone too far and limit consumer choice.
Purportedly imposed to increase quality, efficiency, and light output, the new 1,000 hour limit also resulted in many more bulb sales. Archived documents show that significant research was ...
Trump has long criticized energy-efficient light bulbs and low-flow toilets. In 2019 he claimed that Americans had to flush their toilets "10 times, 15 times as opposed to once" after the ...
President Donald Trump declared Tuesday that his administration would reverse former President Joe Biden’s efforts to make a host of consumer products more efficient, from toilets to showerheads ...
Last October WWF, along with the Malagasy Ministry of Energy, the Telma foundation and the JIRAMA, launched a project called Lumitsits with the aim of creating a market for energy efficient light ...
The more the lumens per watt the more efficient the bulb. The averaged measured color rendering of ten bulb samples. Those closer to 100 will better enable colors to appear the same as if viewed ...