you can find your details by saying “Xfinity ID” or “username” in your Xfinity Voice Remote on your X1 TV box. Secondary ...
This web-based remote control for computers ... own eye-gaze software or other assistive technology, users log in to Xfinity’s free site and can surf, search and record just by looking at ...
The Odds Zone on Xfinity X1 devices will now feature live odds from ... “View odds,” or “FanDuel odds” into your voice remote. You’ll be able to pull up all the biggest games you can ...
Xfinity X1 customers can say “to the moon” into their voice remote to access live coverage of the landing and mission.
Comcast announced on Thursday that Amazon ... Customers will be able to launch Prime Video with their X1 Voice Remote. And if they have the right equipment, they can watch 4K content from Amazon.