But one doctor told a story on TikTok that perfectly explains why Black people — who are 20-30% more likely to get ...
Prostate cancer is a silent threat that hits Black men the hardest leading to higher mortality rates than in any other group.
Charles Tate and Charissa Carroll mark significant milestones in their medical careers with help from the CPASS Foundation.
Black Men in White Coats was established in 2013 ... the space we work in and that there are unfortunately not enough doctors that look like I do,” said Dr. Nafis Shamsid-Deen of the U of ...
Founder and CEO of the Black Male Educators Alliance recognized for providing professional development to educators in marginalized communities ...
Opinion: 'The lack of Black doctors (in Memphis) is ... a consequence of long-standing inequities that continue to shape who ...
Dr. Manassa Thomas Pope became a trailblazer in North Carolina: he was the first Black physician in the state. He also was a businessman, soldier and the only Black man to run for mayor in Raleigh ...
JACKSON, Tenn. - America has a shortage of Black doctors. A little less than 6% percent of doctors identify as Black compared to 14% of the total U.S. population. A doctor here in the Mid-South ...