A new report, which will guide data center legislation in Virginia's upcoming General Assembly, says building energy ...
As tension over the proposed Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project continues to rise, some lawmakers are looking to Governor ...
The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission released its long awaited report on data centers Monday, detailing the ...
Following the release Monday of the much-anticipated data center report by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, ...
State leaders are gearing up to tackle a challenge Loudoun County has been grappling with for the past few years – how to ...
Virginia’s Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission released a lengthy report Monday on the data center industry and its ...
The growth of the internet and the rise of artificial intelligence are fueling a boom in the construction of data centers in ...
A new state study identified the benefits and challenges of the booming data center industry in Virginia, including energy ...
Data center growth in Virginia could mean billions in energy costs if it isn’t reigned in — and residents would likely pay ...
Right now the data center industry is paying its own way, but electricity costs are on track to shift to other ratepayers.
The good news is they are money printing machines with billions added to Virginia’s economy. Much of it goes to localities.
Virginia’s booming data center business is paying its own way for the huge flows of electricity it uses but the costs are on ...